Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A Southern State

Upfront I should say I know nothing about the country Georgia or its conflict with Russia so I am not making any judgments about who was right or wrong or what the response should be (other than if you want to help you should check your tire pressure - odd how McCain and I have the same message, just I'm not being sarcastic).

But, if I was Putin and I got a call from Bush criticizing me for invading a sovereign nation I think my response would go something like this:

First there would be a few minutes of laughter.

Then: oh George, people underestimate you, or should I say misunderestimate - you really are a funny guy. Oh, wait, you're serious? Nah - you're still pulling my leg. Yeah, Bush telling me not to invade a country for a few days - ha! Are you mad that I went in or that I'm not planning to stay?

Then some more laughing.

Then: Oh wait, I'm not sure you have that strong of a grasp of irony. Did Cheney put you up to this? That guy has one twisted sense of humor. You know you should really run these things past Condi first to make sure he's not punking you. Actually things have been really tense around here, could you call a few other Russian leaders, they could really use the laugh right now. Well, this has been fun, but you should get back to watching the Olympics and I should get back to running a country. Say hi to your dad for me and I can't wait to hear what other jokes you've come up with when we sit next to each other at the closing ceremonies.


The Owl Archimedes said...

hahahaha! Politics won't be as funny when Obama is president. ah well, you win some, you lose some.

Anonymous said...

You are a riot! I'm still laughing - thank you!