Thursday, April 07, 2011

All I needed was stick figures!

Remember my Shoulder Tapping post from November? No? Ok, fine, well that's what the link is for.

Apparently all that post needed was some stick figures and I'd have written an xkcd comic! (Remember to place the mouse over the comic for a second to get the final message).

Alright, alright, I see how he expressed what took me several paragraphs of text in a series of simple images and how he added extra humor. But still, I think it is kinda awesome. Now I feel like I should go off on more crazy rants on the off chance that Randal will one day go off on a similar rant.

Oh, shit, the irony of being excited after the fact of seeing similarity between one of my 484 blog pots and one of Randal's 882 xkcd posts is just now hitting me. At least it wasn't this post.

And now I'm kind of disturbed that I sometimes think about situations based on blog posts I wrote three years ago. I'm going to try to get back to that excitement I had at the start of this post or maybe just try to get some sleep.