Friday, December 21, 2007

Sharing (Stealing) Movies

While none of it was terribly surprising I still found this article interesting.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Super Mario and Writers

I had a very productive weekend. Evan and I beat super mario world (the one for super nintendo). I think that when we were kids Eric beat the game, but I don't think I ever made it that far. I will admit that this time Evan took on a majority of the levels, but I was playing my part the whole time so I'm claiming success.

Ok writers and studios, I give in. I'll give you whatever terms you want, just end the strike. I'll even stop complaining about NBC doing its own site instead of letting me pay them for shows through itunes (do they really make more than $2 per show per person from ads? - oh, right, I'm not complaining). At one point I thought that I sided with one of the groups, but now I don't even care who wins. Maybe just give me the daily show back to keep me going through the strike - kind of like if airline workers strike they might still do emergency flights.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

HP 5

Finished up HP 5 which in my round about way of reading the books finishes up the series for me.

In case you hadn't heard it is a good series.

In general I like everything about the books more than the movies, largely due to the increased detail. However, I'm a bit torn on the fight between dumbledore and voldemort. I think the book's version is a bit more true to the characters and story (voldemort has raw evil power, dumbledore has power, but uses his cleverness and allies - using the fountain and faulks). But I do think the movie version was much "cooler". Really I thought the whole ministry of mysteries section was "cooler" in the movie than in the book. Although it was nice that the book told you what the hell was going on with that archway.

Given what they did with the end of 5 for the movie, the end of 7 could have some serious potential if they go for looks instead of explaining the finer points of wand ownership.

SoCal Experience

My dentist asked to move my appointment since the waves are really big today and he wanted a bit longer to surf.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Holmes and House

At some point after reading Sherlock Holmes, I decided that House is just a Holmes recreation. I was going to list all the reasons why I thought this, then I did a google search and found that others had already done this for me and apparently it is not just a crazy theory since the producer says it is somewhat true.