Sunday, August 31, 2008

Let's do some swift boating

Did you hear that Sarah Palin is a guy? Yup, a cross dresser. I hear that the big male to female ratio up there in Alaska causes a lot of crazy stuff like that. And he's married to another guy so you know what that means...

You don't believe me? Well, ok, I'm not sure about the gay part, maybe the marriage is just a scam. But Sarah is definitely a guy.

Ok, obviously everything above is a terrible lie. But I say it is time for democrats to do a little swift boating/he's a Musliming of their own. And since Palin's gender is basically all people know about her it is the only obviously true fact to attack. So let's all go out and spread this "truth the media doesn't want you to know". Now all we need is some meaningless but catchy phrase people can chant in unison.

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