Friday, August 01, 2008

Paul Reubens

Back when I was about 10 (for once that's actually the correct age) Pee-wee Herman got arrested for "dropping his pants" in a movie theater. Or so everyone put it. Being 10 I figured that was literally what happened (I took it so literally I thought he still had his underwear on). At some point kids realized that it was at an adult theater which made it seem a bit more justifiable. I haven't thought about Pee-wee Herman many times since then, but as I got older I figured that Pee-wee dropping his pants was clearly wrong, but didn't seem to match the amount of talk about it and backlash against him. The part that is embarrassing for me, is it is not until tonight, after seeing him in a small role, that it occurred to me that "dropping his pants" was a euphemism. The doubly embarrassing part is that even after having the epiphany the dropping his pants story was so ingrained that I had to look it up to be sure (thanks wikipedia for covering every question a person could possibly have).

Here's a crazy fact: the father of the guy who plays Pee-wee Herman flew for the British in WWII and was one of the founding pilots of the Israeli Air Force.

1 comment:

The Owl Archimedes said...

wow, i had no idea- neither about the euphemism or his father!