Saturday, May 02, 2009

Patent Application

My first patent application was published on Feb 5!

I wouldn't expect anyone here to read it, because either you're not a patent lawyer or you are a patent lawyer, but have no interest in reconfiguring batteries for medical devices. But there are a few pretty pictures if you follow the link.

Implantable defibrillators are kind of weird to design because most of the time they are super low power, but every once in a while they need to be really high power. Typically for the low power stuff you want a low voltage battery and for the high power stuff you want a high voltage battery (that statement sounds more obvious than it actually is, but I will spare you from that tangent). The battery voltage used is usually a compromise between the two. Marcus and I came up with the idea of reconfiguring multiple batteries using switches so you could have high voltage when you need it and low voltage when you don't. The patent also expands on that idea in a few ways.

Well hopefully some time in the next 5 years or so we'll find out if it actually gets accepted (oh patent office, why do you take 5 years to read an application?).

Oh - and this is post #400!


Julie said...

I looked! :-) Even if I'm neither a patent attorney nor interested in EE schtuff.

Anonymous said...

Cool - Very Cool - Congratulations!