Thursday, April 30, 2009

Martian Time-Slip

I actually got a response to my search for scifi with multiple governments. Of course the one response I got was from the one time I asked someone in person, hm. Anyway, while it wasn't exactly what I was thinking of, Martian Time-Slip by Philip K. Dick does fit the criteria.

The book is actually mostly about mental illness and crazy shifting through time stuff (as you might guess from the title). While the story does have some good what is reality stuff, a lot of it seems out dated. The book involves some mix of what was accepted views of schizophrenia and autism and Dick's crazy ideas about them. But not knowing what the state of psychology was in the 60s it's hard to tell where that line is.

I'd read Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep or Ubik before I'd read Martian Time-Slip. Both of those seem less dated.

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