Thursday, May 28, 2009

KC and Naples Part 2

It's been pointed out that I kind of sped through the posts on KC and Naples. Didn't mean anything by it. I think I just had the backpacking trip on my mind and rushed through the others. Here's attempt #2.

In KC we went on a great bike ride. I was very happy that the bike seat hurt my butt a lot less than it had in the past. A lot of the time in KC was spent talking to my family which was great, but makes for some boring blogging. For my Grandma's 75th birthday we had dinner at my parent's house. For mother's day we headed to the plaza for brunch and then did a short walk to Starbucks where we discussed Bringing Down the House and gambling strategies, which is a bit odd since I don't think anyone in my family goes to a casino with more than $100. While it was nice to meet my friends' babies, I'm not really at a point where babies hold a lot of appeal (all me, nothing to do with their babies). I did head out to a bar with Ben to play pool which was great, especially since I was playing fairly well. It really highlights how much moving I've done that it wasn't just that I didn't know if I had told people about where I live now, but wasn't sure if they knew about the move before that.

I headed to Naples on a Saturday and got there Saturday night. My flight happened to show up at almost the exact same time at the gate directly next to Steve's flight. We grabbed a surprisingly cheap rental car (thanks to whoever it was that set us up with that) and headed to the Inn on Fifth which is a cute hotel on a cute street in Naples. Downtown Naples actually felt a lot like Santa Barbara, except the people were older. We met up with what we decided were for the most part the male college friends on the bride's side, which oddly includes Laura. Had some good sushi then bought some booze at CVS and headed to the hot tub at the hotel - again brought back some memories of SoCal life. Next morning we headed to the wedding. It was a tad hot outside, but there was ice water that was very helpful. It was cool to be one of the friends and know most of the people in the wedding party. And the bride looked so happy - awwww. There was quite the MIT crowd so I spent a lot of the wedding party catching up with them. A crowd also headed outside for a bit to marvel at Florida's sudden down pours. After the wedding a few of us met up at the bar next to the hotel. Then off to the out of towner dinner. I spent a lot of this time describing to Laura the "plans" for Mike's bachelor party. The dinner was nice especially because the bride and groom had more time to talk. Next morning some of us met up with the bride and groom at the bar next to the hotel for breakfast. Then off to some thai food, Edison house, and airport.

MIT crowd at the wedding:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved reading the part 2 - thanks to whomever inspired this post!