Tuesday, September 04, 2007

HP 2&3

I read HP 2&3. It seems like the series gets better as it goes. Similar to the movies I was much more into 3 than 1 or 2.

I have never been that convinced by the arguments that violence on TV causes people to be violent (maybe one of the trained neuroscientists reading this will actually know if that is true or not). But I have noticed that what I watch and read does impact what I eat. When I watch firefly I go in search of fruit - Kaylee just looks so happy when she has strawberries. When I was reading HP 3 I bought chocolate for the first time in months, maybe even a year - for some reason I pictured them eating standard milk chocolate, but I go for 70% or bust. Luckily all that BSG watching hasn't enticed me to start smoking or drink ambrosia (although they usually don't look that happy about either one).

For the firefly fans out there, who don't track xkcd (probably a null set, but anyway):

In case it is not clear from the rest of this post - I spent a lot of time inside reading HP and watching BSG over labor day weekend. Southern California let me down with a 100 degree weekend. Luckily it cooled back down by tonight for my company's softball team's second practice.

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