Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Someone who gets other people killed. You can look it up later.

If they kill Mohinder does the absurd narration go away? Cause I'm totally willing to make that trade. Especially if the pseudo-science explanations stop too.

Isn't it weird that Marlo Stanfield shows less fear and is more of a bad ass than Knox?

And why is Cameron so much more attractive than River Tam? And why is the robot more interested in guys than the troubled teen?


The Owl Archimedes said...

Awwww...does that mean Heroes has gone downhill? I had so much hope for that show.

I'm so glad one of us is doing a lot of reading into the culture of Egypt. I wish I had those books here!

The Owl Archimedes said...

haha, didn't think of that! (2 commandments: which would they be?)

also, that's true that even we need rewards. Hm guess I'll keep dangling those carrots.