Sunday, November 09, 2008

Dear 2008 (a response to Dear 1970s)

Dear 2008,

Let us say this in a way you will understand - chillax.

So what do you consider a good sci fi movie? The Matirx? A movie that combines the fight against AI and philosophy/mysticism. Sounds familiar, oh, but we see, you've replaced classical music and inspirational visuals with rock music and fighting. Way to go - that's some progress you've got there.

And what do you consider good sci fi tv? Battlestar Galactica - gee we wonder where you came up with that idea. Only we see you've replaced goofy fun with a bleak vision of the future and more realistic violence. Sure our version had some silly looking robots and a really lame explanation for where they came from. But you just made the robots human - that's not even trying! And your explanation for how they came into their current form is - no one, including the robots, knows? How long did it take to come up with that idea? At least we can all agree on laughing at the 80s version!

Ok, Firefly and Serenity are cool ideas, but they're only half sci fi and barely anyone has even heard of them. Plus, a movie about the power of belief written by an atheist - no wonder people had to watch the commentary to get the message. You might think our movies spoon fed the point to the viewers, but at least we didn't encourage them to watch the movie a second time so we could describe scene by scene what is happening. And why is it you can't make it through five minutes of music, but you love listening to what each actor was feeling during every scene?

Yeah, our movies might be hard to get through if you're watching after your third trip to starbucks, but maybe you should put the caffeine down and enjoy the movie! If you insist on filling every single second put two TVs next to each other. On one play the 70s movie and on the other play a loop of people getting beat up. That way if you get tired of being inspired you have something to look at.

The 1970s

PS We will admit your graphics are awesome.

1 comment:

The Owl Archimedes said...

intriguing opinions from both eras:)

what movie inspired these posts?