Friday, October 03, 2008


I just watched the VP debate (it is up on if you missed it). I did ok through most of it, but at a certain point I got that head about to explode feeling coming on. So I saved all but one of you from some of my rambling by using email instead of this blog to vent.

Although I do have to ask - what's with all the winking? Did anyone else find that a little uncomfortable?

And I know it is classic politics to answer a question without actually saying anything. But Palin has taken it to a new level where she can put together over a minute's worth of words that don't even mean anything! It's like the Chomskybot if it left out a few parts of speech. Whoa - I just figured out how to beat the Turing test! The turing test is if you ask questions of a computer and of a person and cannot tell which is which then the computer passes the test. As long as the person the computer is being compared against is Palin the computer could easily pass.

Oh and as everyone clearly knows - I'm a cowboy. I will continue to remind you that I am a cowboy until you start to believe it. As a cowboy and so speaking as a cowboy does, I will repeat my main point that everyone knows I am a cowboy. Sure, that may be the most absurd thing you've ever heard, us cowboys understand that, but nevertheless I have a proven track record of being a cowboy. It is so intuitively obvious that I am a cowboy, or should I say "cowboy obvious" *wink*, and everyone knows my record of being a cowboy so well that there is no point in bringing up a single example or fact indicating that I am a cowboy.

Finally (or it was finally the first time I wrote this post) - Biden is from Scranton - why isn't he bringing up The Office and, more seriously, why isn't the The Office incorporating him (or at least discussion of him) into the show?

Well to end this post *inappropriately timed wink* written by this cowboy I will simply ask you to remember that I am a cowboy. Now to say thank you over and over again as fast as possible while giggling, which is how cowboys act at the end of debates.

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