Sunday, December 17, 2006

Bad joke

So I was driving up to Pasadena the other day and was thinking about how it used to be that everywhere I went in California was within a few miles of the 101, but now that I live on the 5 that's not true anymore. But then I realized that in some sense 101 and 5 are the same thing and for some reason I felt the need to share that with you. Feel free to groan now, although I am glad to see that my over generalization in some sense still holds true.

For those that don't get it I will point to my fellow winners of Time's Person of the Year for an explanation.


Eric said...

I don't thing I get it, but maybe I do?

1 + 0 + 1 = 10 = 5 + 5

You should meet for drinks anyone who gets it casually.

Jess said...



Julie said...

definitely *groan* Too much EE for you.

Eric said...

I want to groan too....... *Groan*

I feel like my comment makes me look very dumb. So? What about it?

The Owl Archimedes said...

YESSSS!, for once, I get to groan at someone else's bad joke! (secretly, I approve)