Friday, December 22, 2006

(Sushi Resteraunts)/(Movie Theaters)

It struck me tonight that San Clemente has a crazy Sushi Restaurant to Movie Theater ratio. There is only one movie theater in town, but at least 6 sushi restaurants! In Carpinteria there is one sushi restaurant and one movie theater, although it is a very small theater so not sure how to count that. I guess you could do sushi restaurants to movie screens, but I like the first metric more. I'm not sure, but I think that in Overland Park the sushi restaurant to movie theater ratio is less than one. I'm not sure what it is in Boston, but there are not many theaters in town so I'm guessing its ratio is high. What's the ratio in your town/general vicinity?

The other sushi restaurant ratio I find interesting in San Clemente is sushi restaurants to thai restaurants. Again, at least six sushi restaurants, but only one thai food restaurant. Carpinteria is again one to one. Again, not that sure about Overland Park or Boston, but I'm thinking that in both there are more thai food restaurants.

I have no idea why I find that so interesting and I'm probably putting most of you to sleep, so if you want something to wake you back up try jalapeno tempura stuffed with crab meat. Good stuff, supposedly invented at the latest San Clemente sushi restaurant I've tried.

Well, I doubt that I win for most occurrences of the words sushi restaurant in a post, but probably do win for most times spell check was used to correct the spelling of the word restaurant in the course of a single post.