Thursday, December 14, 2006


This article is fairly interesting in and of itself (apparently circumcision reduces the chances of a guy getting AIDS from sex by about 50%), but the reason I'm linking to it is it reminds me of one of the worst lessons I ever had in Sunday school.

So one day at Sunday school they gather us in the big room so that we can watch a video. They are going to show us a video because they want to break the stereotype/misconception that Jews don't get AIDS. Now, ironic part #1 - I had never heard that Jews don't get AIDS before, nor have I ever heard it ever since then so its great that they taught it to me so they could then try to convince me it is wrong. Anyway, we are watching the video which is one Jewish guy talking about how he has AIDS. Now it is striking me that you don't really break a stereotype by finding one guy who goes against the rule (and really the fact they only got one guy somewhat reinforces it). But then as the video goes on it turns out that the guy is homosexual. Now I have nothing against homosexuals and I know that plenty of straight people get AIDS, but I did know that there is a stereotype of homosexuals having a greater chance of having AIDS. So well done, they found one guy who breaks a stereotype I had never heard of, but reinforces a well known stereotype. I guess the lesson is that while being Jewish will keep you from getting AIDS, being homosexual is the stronger force and will give you AIDS.

Now I always thought that was just funny that they had botched the lesson so poorly, but according to the above article, apparently there is actually some truth to it... Crazy.

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