Monday, May 29, 2006


Steve posting on his blog again has inspired me to finish my thought.

The hollywood version of quitting is so cool - you barge into your boss's office and yell I QUIT! and say something clever or nasty about shoving something somewhere and then maybe throw something or kick something and go storming off in victory and usually there's some appropriate music playing in the background. I should have put "damn it feels good to be a gangsta" on my iPod - hmm maybe I'll have to save that for the last day of work. (If you don't get it, go watch office space - I mean it - I'll wait
Ok now that we all want a red stapler - moving on).

My version involved emailing my boss who was out of town and then talking to someone in HR so that at least someone would know that I had given notice. Then telling the people I worked with was a bit awkward and a little sad. I didn't even get to throw a pen or say anything clever and mean. Oh well.

As you read this you might think, gee David doesn't strike me as the kind of person that just decides to quit his job. Maybe you think I'm too responsible for that, or maybe just too greedy. Or maybe I've actually told everyone who reads this what's been going on so you know why I quit. Or maybe you are a bot crawling for a search engine that's just thinking - keywords are: job, quit, David (it's probably funnier if you read that last part in a robotic voice). Well, in any of those cases you're right (well maybe not the responsible part, and to the bot there are probably a few other good keywords on the page).

I think I already mentioned meeting up with Eric (fraternity brother). Well, I interviewed at the company he is working for, Cameron Health and got the job. I'm pretty excited. They are a small bio-tech start up in San Clemente (yes Nixon lived there at one point, and for those of us that didn't know he died in 1994 so no we won't be neighbors). Cameron Health is designing a new type of implantable defibrillator. I would warn you that the link describing implantable defibrillators is gross, but I'm retraining myself to not find that stuff gross, so the last link is NOT gross, definitely, definitely, NOT gross. The downside to this job is that I'll have to move from a small beach town to a bit bigger, bit more interesting beach town. Life's tough. And yet again, I have chosen good weather over my friends. Maybe one day my friends will learn to chose good weather too and we can actually live near each other.

Now you might say to yourself, what the crap does David know about biology? And, didn't David bump up against the edge of what could be considered cheating by coaxing the biology problem set answers out of Jason? Well the answers are nothing, and yes (but the problem sets were only worth 10% and half cheating on 10% is only 5% so it's pretty much negligible). So what is David doing working for a biotech startup? Well, implantable defibrillators sense electrical signals from the heart to decide when to send out a huge electric signal/storm to the heart. (I should have kept that sign about 10,000 volts implying that you shouldn't touch stuff on my desk, from when I was building that laser that I never finished.) So there is actually a lot of analog circuitry going on.

Next question - why change jobs? Well, it was time for a change. Mostly this seems like a particularly good time to try a small company. It should be a bit more exciting and fast pace. Also there is an element of risk, but with no dependents and not being a homeowner, if I show up one day and everything is shutdown then oh well. In addition, not to feel too special, but I think it will be cool that when I go to work each day I'll be working to making something that will save people's lives. Just a bit more meaningful than automatic test equipment.


Jess said...

HOORAY for you!!!! I smell a beach party!

David said...

Hella! I say we start the beach party in Carp and then drive down to San Clemente and continue the party there!

Anonymous said...

Hey Dave,

Be happy that you didn't have a movie like give your notice day. I had the opposite...having a boss yell at you for a 1/2 hour, never thank you for working your ASS off for two years and not giving you a lunch or anything on your last day (even after the expensive bottle of wine that I gave him)...anyway, I'm really happy for you! When do you start? Will you come visit your friends who still think that they like the change in seasons this summer?

We hope to see you soon...btw IQ is moving close to us...if that is of any incentive!

David said...

Hey Laura,

Hmm - I just pictured me doing some yelling - yeah I guess that if you include the part where they yell that would suck.

My start date should be June 14 although timing is still being worked out.

I definitely want to visit my silly friends this summer, although it's looking more like a long weekend than a week.

Of course you are looking forward to the change of season this summer - come the end of the summer and then we'll talk about the benefits of seasons changing.

IQ - now that is tempting... Is it opening another location or just moving?