Saturday, May 13, 2006

A few random thoughts

So my first comment is for all the restaurant hosts/hostests in the world. If someone comes in and asks for a table it's one thing to say: for how many? or for one? but to say just one? or just for one? is just mean. If someone is eating alone the person knows it and there's no need to point it out further.

Next thought - I think I figured out the secret to driving in LA freeway traffic:
1. Drive about a mile
2. If traffic is reasonable (or at least not horrible) goto 1
3. If in a rush goto 8
4. Get off the freeway
5. Find the nearest movie theater
6. See whatever is playing at the time
7. Goto 1
8. People on the west coast aren't in a rush - learn to relax or move back to the east coast

I've only waited out rush hour(s) by seeing a movie twice but both times it worked well.

I actually talked about the literature class I took in college in an interview. It was my answer to the question: what was your worst class in college. At some point while I was describing why it was my worst class the interviewer said something like "typical engineer" - although, he is an engineer so I think it was meant in a good way.

Since I brought up interviewing - I'd rather see if I get the job or not before I discuss it further with "the world". If you're interested feel free to ask me directly.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Hmm... I think I used to ask "just one?" when I was a hostess/waitress. I feel bad about it now. On behalf of all hostesses/waitresses: sorry, Dave!

I'd love to hear all about your future plans etc this weekend. Looking forward to seeing you again!