Monday, March 30, 2009

First Earthquake

First time in the almost 4 years I've been in CA I've felt an earthquake. It was a 4.3 near San Jose.

Bit of floor shaking and the lights swung back and forth a bit. People on the first floor didn't even feel it. Luckily at home nothing fell or is even out of place.

This was in no way an emergence so I guess it doesn't really count. But I feel like in just about any other type of emergency people have a clue what to do. But all these people who have been living in CA for a while just looked at each other and asked should we do something? I dunno, maybe. Eh, seems to have passed. Let's go online and see how big it was.

Coincidentally this morning on NPR they had a half hour discussion about the recent series of earth quakes in Southern California.

It was also sort of cool to see everyone start twittering about it right away, nothing that amazing, but kinda cool.

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