Sunday, January 25, 2009


I headed up to Planet Granite with Jeremy and Emily and went indoor climbing for the first time. The easy paths were actually easy which was nice because I could succeed the first time and then step up the difficulty. Then once I couldn't do it I tried going down a few levels so I could get another success, at that point my arms didn't hurt, but they stopped producing force.

When I got back from Egypt I realized just how close the deadlines were on the two projects I've been working on which quickly snapped me out of the post-vacation why am I here and why am I doing this. It was also nice that there was a company wide shut down so everyone was going through that same recovery process.

I have a twitter feed. My user name is dsignoff. I'm not really using it, but maybe one day I will. Anyway just in case you're interested in following each others feeds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great climbing on Sunday! Good times and don't forget to link to your twitter account.
Yours is:
I'm here: