Friday, January 02, 2009

Boston Post-Egypt

After leaving Cairo there was less easy access to WiFi which is why the posting stopped. We saw a bunch more cool stuff which I will write about when I get back to CA and most of the pictures will have to wait till I get some time with iPhoto to sort/label/touch up.

Now I'm in Boston, and hopefully sometime soon my stuff will meet me here (Alitalia decided to send half the bags headed for Boston on a plane headed to Chicago, or so they claim). You might ask why I checked my bag that easily fits in the overhead compartment - well we got the check in lady who decided our bags weight too much and had to be checked, then you might ask what weight has to do with it and that's where my ability to provide answers ends.

I'm staying at Mike and Laura's very nice home and spending most of the time worrying about if I'm going to starve to death because Laura is so stingy with the food.

This picture was taken by two "Tourism and Antiquity" cops holding large weapons who then hit us up for baksheesh afterward. Handing money to cops really messed with my list of things you should never do.