Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Same Sex Anniversaries

As you might imagine there is a lot of discussion of same sex marriage on San Francisco radio stations. One of the interesting things is how many times some couples have gotten some version of married. Which makes me wonder, if you have a non-legally binding marriage and then a civil union and then a marriage in San Francisco that is latter revoked by the state and then get married when it is recognized by the state which anniversary do you celebrate? There's tension for some straight couples when one partner can't remember their anniversary or how long they've been married - can you imagine if you had 4 anniversaries from 4 different years? I guess at least in a same sex marriage there's no out dated social expectations on which partner should take a greater role in planning all of those anniversaries.

Maybe I'm just immature, but I thought it was very funny when they were describing all the same sex marriages they were listing off a whole string of words to describe them such as joyous, cheerful, festive, happy, exciting... I kept waiting to see if someone would point out there's a word that sums up that set of feelings.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, you've got me ... what's the word?