Saturday, June 28, 2008


On the one hand it is cool to have an n^n birthday. But at the same time it is too bad that the first time you are old enough to realize your age is n^n is also the last time (well unless you're a super advanced 1 or 4 year old - 1 is actually the coolest since it is n^n for two values of n). Medical science is going to have to make some serious advancements and really fast if I'm going to make it to my next one. 11011 is a sort of cool age, although I guess I've got a few more years before I'm completely "on" (11111) and only a couple more till I get a prime. Why is it that all jokes involving binary are bad jokes? And why do I publish them on the internet anyway?

On a completely different topic: Having lived in 3 cities in CA over 3 years I'm fairly used to scientology centers and christian science reading rooms. However, protesters in front of a scientology center wearing V for Vendetta masks, holding protest signs and dancing to music is a new one for me.

1 comment:

The Owl Archimedes said...

happy 3^3 birthday! Hm, nothing cool about 24 except that it has a lot of prime factors. Wait! It's an n^n-n year!