Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Kosher food

We've been told by commercials that if you buy drugs you are supporting terrorists (interesting there aren't commercials telling us that if you buy oil you are supporting "the axis of evil" or that if you support rebel groups fighting your current enemy then you're supporting future terrorists - but anyway...).

Are there now going to be commercials saying: "Think keeping strict kosher is obeying God's law and that you pay those higher prices because the slaughter house is better controlled and inspected? Think again. (Now scary images). Your meat money is supporting meth labs, identity theft, illegal immigrants, and cruel slaughter methods! Don't believe us, just ask the New York Times. The more you know (show ancient graphic)."

I guess the other way of looking at this is: "Think your drug money is being sent to Afghanistan to support terrorists? Think again. Your meth habit is funding kosher slaughter houses! Think about that next time before you decide to get high." Maybe this approach would reach all those vegetarian meth addicts. It would definitely reach the vegetarian KKK members who take meth.

Do you think the meth was kosher? Seems like it would have to be to avoid making the whole place lose its kosher accreditation. Are illegal immigrants just the logical extension of the Shabbas goy concept?

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