Thursday, May 01, 2008

Film Festival and Dilbert

First, thought some people might find this global film festival interesting.

Second, for those that regularly read Dilbert, in the thread that has been playing out over the last week are the green people eating aliens microsoft? Not that I wouldn't see the same thing after reading slashdot for five minutes, but I was a bit surprised to see it from Dilbert.

1 comment:

The Owl Archimedes said...

Like coffee beans! Ok no that's not true, I just wanted to use the pun. If I was stupid enough to DUI, then they'd have good reason to take my car away and yell at me. I don't think I'm that stupid, but apparently, I give off such an impression. I call it distrust, they call it love, but jesus, I really can't stand this kind of paranoid, suspicious, irrational "love". Hm..guess I wasn't quite done ranting. Thanks for listening.