Monday, November 12, 2007

Flatliners Game #7 - Being a Warm Body

Yesterday (Sunday) I got back from ASIA (which at some point here I really will talk about). I got a whole 1 hour of sleep over the course of 30 hours (not so bad compared to a college all nighter, but add to that a bouncing plane and some time zone confusion and it's not so fun - plus I'm old now). I did sleep fairly well last night, but was still worn down today and a bit out of it. I told the flatliners coach that I would play if they needed a warm body to avoid forfeit. Well, he called me on what should have been a bluff so after work (which was really just a day of talking to people about the trip) I headed off to the softball field.

Now I was never that good so it's not like the jet lag could really make things much worse. My first at bat I got on base and made it to second then got forced out running back to second due to a caught fly. My next two at bats both times I swung at the first pitch and missed and then didn't swing at a strike (when you only get two strikes that's not the best strategy). As catcher I was able to pick up the ball from the ground and throw it back to the pitcher, but one fly ball came back and I had it in my glove then I ended up bobbling it with both hands and dropping it - I totally blame that on jet lag. During the first inning there was a play at home and I missed the ball (ok that was just me) - after that anytime there could have been a play at home the pitcher ran over to take over - normally I would have been irritated, but I was so tired I was very appreciative.

Well, I would say that I kept the team from losing by showing up, but we lost (not just lost, but mercy rule in the 5th inning). So, I, uh, delayed losing by about 40 minutes - hey that's something.

After talking about how tired I am I'm up blogging at 11:30 pm - perhaps it is time for my brain to override my body's clock and make myself go to bed (although I assume my body's clock is in my brain - medical types: which parts of my brain are overriding and being overridden?).

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