Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Asia Pictures

I've got my top set of pictures (if you want to see all 400 pictures that will take a bit longer because I do not think I have enough bandwidth on my mailmight account to support that) up here (This might get updated one day when Mike and Laura send me their pictures - hint, hint).

That was my first time using iWeb and really using mailmight to host a website so let me know if you have issues.

Fixing up pictures with iPhoto was very cool. It really made up for my lack of holding a camera straight and the cropping is the only reason I have pictures in China where I'm the only person in the photo. I also turned up the exposure and sharpness in some of the shots - let me know if you see any where you think it is obvious (of course the posted pics are not full resolution so it is probably tough to tell).

Actual text to come next time I cannot fall asleep due to jet lag.

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