Saturday, December 09, 2006

Installing Firefox

As I sit here using firefox, which I just installed, on a computer I am not supposed to be able to install programs on, I thought I might discuss this with the world (aka the couple of people that read this). I have run into very few computers on which I could not install firefox (I'm not trying to brag, all the credit definitely goes to firefox, and maybe a little to window's flawed concept of security). The one trick I thought I'd bring up, which might fool a few people, is that sometimes it will tell you that it cannot install in Program Files, which is the default destination. So if you get this error message, pick a place you do have permissions to write to, such as My Documents. Not terribly elegant, but usually does the trick and saves you from staring at that increasingly stupid looking blue e.


Anonymous said...


You said "increasingly stupid looking blue e". I couldn't resist :).

Julie said...

Aww, Sharon works on IE -- you would make her sad. (Says the girl who is posting this comment using Firefox...)

Anonymous said...

Julie says I have to defend my "increasingly stupid looking blue e." I would like to point out that the e is no longer blue, now it's blue AND yellow. - sharon