Tuesday, January 10, 2006


After Vegas I drove back to Carp, saw Susanna and her parents who were visiting, packed and headed off the next day to KC. Thanks to Susanna's parents for the ride to LAX.

The first few days were family filled with the holidays and birthday(s) (only really one birthday but some how another one also got thrown in there). The big gift I got this year is a digital camera so at some point here perhaps there will be some pictures showing up on this blog. I also got to meet Eric's girlfriend who kept me busy most of the trip with riddles and math puzzles. She also got me a Suduko book which I had never played before but now have trouble making myself put the book away.

Then the wedding festivities started up. Went to a theme party place for new years eve where they had BBQ, dancing and fake gambling (guess which two I participated in). Then the next day they had the wedding and everyone showed up and no one dropped any rings through any cracks in the floor so it was a success. And as Jeremy put it, the Vegas trip was clearly a success since we had fun but not so much that the wedding did not happen. Then we all headed off to the Sheriton for the reception.

That night I hung out with Ben, Rachel and Shawn and saw Rachel's place which was very nice. And I got to play Shawn's all in one arcade machine that he built which is very cool.

Overall good trip - it was very nice to see everyone.

Thanks Susanna for waiting around for my quite late flight back and driving me back to Carp from LAX.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At the risk of completely ruining your productivity at work, you should check this out: http://www.websudoku.com.