Friday, July 15, 2011

Yoda USB Drive

Someone was nice enough to buy a Yoda USB drive for me. I like the little Yoda statue so it is sitting on my stereo next to my computer. And according to the box it has a huge amount of memory. It showed up right around my birthday so I'm assuming it is a birthday present.

However, I have no idea who it is from. I'd like to use it, but this is how nuclear reactors get taken down (yeah, I know the US and Israeli governments aren't looking to put a virus on my computer, but I'm still going to avoid plugging in a random USB drive).

So if you bought it for me or know who did, please let me know cause I'd like to say thank you and I'd like to start using it. For now I'll just use it as a figurine, maybe if I don't find out who it is from I'll go to an internet cafe and see if there is anything on there.

Oh, and around the same time I got a DaVinci shirt with the guy playing a guitar. Luckily that one I can just wash and then use, but I'd like to thank whoever got it for me.