Sunday, April 11, 2010


Holly crap I'm moving again! Yet again solidifying AEPi as my most stable home since middle school.

I started writing up my giant rant about the insanity of how Avalon at Creekside sets their prices (take the average of some nicer apartment buildings, see how over priced the apartment is then divide that by 4, why 4, cause that's the formula - that's the super short version) but decided I'd spare you. I had discussed the idea of "the worst they can do is say no" with a friend recently. But this experience taught me the worst they can do is give such an insane explanation and pitifully small offer ($9 off) that you get mad and end up leaving.

Anyway I found a place about 5 minutes away that's cheaper and bigger and has an AC and is more recently renovated. So I'm excited about that, but not so excited about putting all my stuff in boxes again.


Jess said...

I HATE MOVING TOO!!! I don't know what's worse, moving every 1-2 years or having amassed a bunch of crap for 4 years and finding yourself trying to decide what stays and what goes. Good luck with the move! If you decide you LOVE moving I'll fly you out and you can do mine, too :)

Julie said...

Pfft, you don't need boxes. Just load everything one by one into your car and drive it over ;-)

When are you moving? Do you have any overlap? I'm guessing you'll need to rent some sort of truck, but if you'd like to borrow my car, let me know! It's good for moving. :)

Kelmit said...

That's partly how they get you with high rent-- except they count on packing up and moving being such an expensive PITA that you won't bother leaving.