Thursday, June 11, 2009

One of the Series of Pipes is for Jose Cuervo

Used the series of pipes and tubes to do a cross country video chat shot with Laura and Jeremy. I know the technology has been around for a while, but was still a first for me.

I'm really looking forward to seeing Mike and Laura when they come out to the Bay Area in July! And it is great that they found such cheap flights. Coming out for the weekend is definitely worth the cost of those tickets.

I realized that I only posted about Dollhouse once, early on in the season. Before every episode I declared that this would be the one where it gets awesome so I was very disappointed when we got to episode 5 and it was still just ok. But then episode 6 happened and awesomeness occurred and continued through episode 12 (10's main story has a cool concept, but isn't as awesome, but the side story totally makes up for it). If you're dedicated I'd say watch the whole way through (don't be scared off by episode 3). If you're willing to watch a few episodes I'd say watch episode 1 to get introduced to the characters and idea then start at 6 and go up from there till you're hooked. If you're a Firefly/Buffy/Angel/BSG/Matrix fan you should be able to identify 5 actors by the end of the season. And you'll want to be caught up with season 1 so you're ready for when River shows up in season 2.


Julie said...

Mike & Laura are coming to visit in July?? When?!

Laura Z said...

OK, so maybe we are looking at after the wedding to come out to California, but I promise that we will make it out there sometime soonish!!!

While the series of tubes is fun to drink over, it's not as much fun as in person. :-)