Monday, September 15, 2008

A personal first

I tried cheese pizza for what may be the first time ever! A near by pizza place has a pizza that uses soy cheese. And this is what happened:

Well, no, actually that was from the Egyptian Museum I went to on Saturday. The soy cheese pizza experiment actually went well, much better than my previous tofu cheese experiment (although I'm starting to wonder if Max and Steve tricked me into eating a slice of real cheese). Unfortunately the pizza was the Berkeley Soy Pizza which has no tomato sauce and is topped by veggies and veggie burger. I think I'd trade the soy cheese for tomato sauce and meat. Although it is nice to be full after eating only half a pizza.

PS Yes the excessive reflections may make that one of the worst pictures I've ever taken.


Anonymous said...

I swear to you it was tofu cheese! Maybe it was a psychological response, expecting me to trick you? :)

The Owl Archimedes said...

actually, most of the kids here don't fast on ramadan- especially my kg class. I think they realize that young kids need to eat and esp. drink water in this climate. Also might have to do with the fact that it's a milder form of Islam these Kurds follow, and there are some Christians here too. Plus, officially, our school is non-denominational. The only official change is in our schedule- classes begin later and end earlier.

Most of the Kurdish teachers and local engineers/security guards/etc. fast though, so out of respect (not a hard-&-fast rule) we have to make sure not to eat out in the open, or wear sleeves that are too short (for fear of tempting the men into forbidden thoughts during the holy month:). I find it pretty impressive that they can go without water for the entire day because teaching kids can seriously wear out your voice.

One teacher has challenged me to fasting for a day, and ...I'm still thinking about it, though this is probably not a good time, right after my vicious food poisoning experience.

You see more of the effects of Ramadan when you get into town, with the curtained restaurants, the packed mosques, and shops/restaurants/bazaars taking midday siestas and reopening late into the night after sunset.

soy cheese pizza, hmmm, you're being a much better vegetarian than I am- I've pretty much given up on avoiding lamb around here. Sometimes all they have is lamb sandwiches!

The Owl Archimedes said...

Hm, sounds like a win-win situation, that courtroom scenario! The idea of god has provided us with some really interesting logic puzzles, hasn't he?

The Owl Archimedes said...

I wonder if it's okay to have them (impure thoughts) after sunset?