Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Debate

I would blog about watching the debate, but I've suspended this blog until I find a way to fix the economy.

If only I had John Oliver asking me if I'm proud of that joke it would go from a bad joke to a funny bad joke (that's a reference for fans of The Bugle).

I was a bit disappointed by the debate. Ok, really I was just watching in case there was a "you forgot Poland" moment. But it felt a little like they were both phoning it in - watch Kerry and Bush and it feels like they were a bit more into it. Although I guess two people speaking intelligently and staying reasonably calm is a good sign. I also learned that McCain takes notes with a marker and writes really really big (what was up with that? and why can't I find a picture of it online?). Oh, and I did enjoy hanging out with the people I was watching it with.

I do have to say that it drives me crazy when old people tell young people that they don't understand with the implication that it is because they are too young. Experience is good and all, but young people are perfectly capable of understanding things. Major leaps in science often come from the young (look at the two most famous scientists: Newton was 25 when he published PhilosophiƦ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, Einstein was 42 when he won the Nobel prize and most of his work was well before that). Major leaders can be young (Martin Luther King was 26 when he lead the Montgomery Bus Boycott). And there's the common idea that people have their young kids fix their computers. Heck here's a national security question: The Air Force is setting up a center for handling cyber warfare because it is likely to be a major issue in the future (there was actually a cyber attack on Georgia during the real one) - McCain do you understand what cyber warfare is, do you even understand how to connect your computer to the internet? I know that telling Obama he doesn't understand because he's a whipper snapper isn't exactly what McCain was going after, but as you can probably tell it is the nerve it struck for me.

Of course, walking 5 miles on a hot day to get to and from Target in flip flops even thought I almost immediately realized there was a blister starting makes me question the value of my opinion.

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