Monday, July 14, 2008

3 months

If you are reading this then there is a greater than 50% chance that you got engaged in the last three months.

Kinda crazy - doesn't pass the betting test - but still pretty crazy.

And so many Jewish Sunday School teachers worked so hard to prevent all three couples from getting together.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to disappoint ;-)

On another note, you have more than 5 readers!

Jess said...

Hmmm. That includes me! Sounds like you have a lot of weddings coming up.

Eric said...

Me too!

Plus I think both members of at least two engaged couples read your blog... so you'd need 9 readers!, which is way more than I've got.

The Owl Archimedes said...

yay, I'm a minority times 3! Asian, woman, and unengaged reader of your blog.