Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Sniper Fire

I know the Bosnia sniper fire thing is so two weeks ago, but I have a new theory on what happened (just to be clear - a theory I absolutely do not believe). It seems quite extreme to just create a memory of something that significant. And it seems rather stupid to purposefully tell a lie about a well documented event. None of the explanations were really adding up for me.

Here's an alternate theory: what if Hillary did land under sniper fire once, just in a different country or the same country, but at a different time. But she couldn't talk about it because the real sniper fire trip was top secret. I'm talking like landing in Cuba to talk to Castro about what it would take to end the embargo or a trip to Iran to gather information using her status as first lady as cover or a previous trip to Bosnia (hm, I know so little about Bosnia I can't even come up with a top secret thing for her to have been doing there) or an assassination attempt (or success) on a foreign leader... Something that shows she has CIA operative levels of foreign experience. She would badly want to talk about it, but couldn't because she is sworn to secrecy - wars would start if she described the true purpose of the trip. So in an attempt to discuss part of it she blended it with another trip and just didn't fully think through the trip she was blending it with. That is something that could have happened spur of the moment or even if preplanned it seems more plausible that she just wasn't careful about which trips she was blending together.

Or for the anti-Hillary crowd - it could be that she is blending two trips, but she couldn't talk about the real sniper fire trip, not because it was top secret, but because it is embarrassing - like going to Cuba to get Cigars (hm, honestly didn't intend to go down the road of Clintons and cigars).


The Owl Archimedes said...

I have a theory about your theory: You've been watching Alias!
If my theory is wrong, then you should make it right by watching Alias (seasons 1 and 2 and halfway through 3 until she gets the bangs).

Also, you know where your theory could be right? In the quantum world, where anything has that .000000000000000000001 chance of happening, even Saving Private/Agent Hillary.

The Owl Archimedes said...

that makes a lot more sense actually. by "clinging" to guns, he means they put more stock on their traditional values than on the economy, so that's how they'll vote, too. Anyway, yeah who knows what he was really actually thinking when he said that, never mind how he reasoned it out later.