Tuesday, March 11, 2008

2 weeks to unemployment

Today I started the two week count down to unemployment aka I gave notice. As noted about 22 months ago, quiting is not as fun or exciting as it should be. Especially when your boss is working out of town and you do it over the phone, it ends up a bit muted.

My unemployment stint will only last two weeks, then I'll be headed up to Santa Clara to start doing RF (wireless) chip design. I'm really excited both about moving to Silicon Valley and getting into the field of RF design. I'm not posting the name of the company because I'd prefer my blog not come up if someone searches for the company name, but if you're interested I'd be happy to say more over email (it's not a small company, but you've probably never heard of it). RF is a particularly challenging area of electrical engineering so I think it will be really interesting to get into. And I have a feeling that this whole wireless thing is really starting to catch on and has a bit of growth potential.

I do have a bit of regret for leaving medical devices. But I've learned that while the end product is important, even more important is the day to day work. I'm also sad to leave Southern California, it's especially tough right now since beach weather is just starting up (well, that and the friends I've made). Although I get past it by remembering how much good asian food there is in sunnyvale (not to mention SF). Oh, and the people I know up there - you come before asian food, really. It's a bit odd because I sort of know the area where I'm moving because I spent so much time there for my current job.

Well, ok, all that stuff is just rationalizations. The real reason for the job change is my current employer stopped serving free dinner so I found a job where they serve free breakfast, lunch, and dinner.


Anonymous said...

1) :-P

2) Free breakfast, lunch *and* dinner? Sounds like Google (yes, I know it's in Mountain View, doesn't do RF chips and isn't where you are going) ;-)

3) The place across the street from my friend is called "Park Place" but it seems pretty expensive. She says she lives in "Fern House" (on High School Way, near Castro & El Camino), but I can't find them on the Inter-webs.

The Owl Archimedes said...

exciting!!! The meals are free- but will they be asian?