Friday, January 18, 2008

Voting removed me from society

As I discussed last year - in California you can vote by mail even if you're not an absentee voter and actually if you do it once they just keep you on the vote by mail list. So a few days ago I got my ballet and voted. Also as discussed last year - sitting at home or work in front of a computer is definitely the way to vote. However, now that I'm done voting I feel a bit disconnected from society. Every time I hear someone discuss the election, whether it's someone I'm talking to or a voice on TV or a podcast, I initially perk up and then remember that I already voted. So no matter what they have to say I'm already done, no point thinking about it too hard. Obviously I care how the whole thing turns out, but that's a long time from now and as I learned in the 7 habits it's outside my sphere of influence so no point in worrying about it (ok, I probably didn't have to read a book to figure that one out).

Anyway, definitely go vote, but if you have a chance to do it early make sure you're ready to be emotionally detached from election discussions (well, unless you also plan on voting often).


Jess said...


I got the 7 Habits from this pseudo-boyfriend as a Christmas gift when I was in high school. It was "wrapped" in a paper towel (like, Bounty) and then newspaper. And when he gave it to me he said, "You don't need it, or you've already read it, but I thought of you when I saw it, so I bought it for you."

I didn't know how to take it, really. Insult? Compliment? All I knew was that it was a really really weird gift.

I'm glad you got something out of it, though. If I'd known, I would've given you my copy. I just can't look at it without sorta thinking of it as a joke or something.

The Owl Archimedes said...

Or, you could read The Secret ( and find out that anything is within your sphere of influence as long as you can think it.

I loved how you could tell that the author of that Science article thought cosmologists were totally coocoo.