Sunday, August 19, 2007

Exercise Wikipedia Hiro

I was reading a set of articles about exercise while waiting for a haircut. The first was claiming that aerobic exercise causes some chemical to be released into the blood stream which causes increased neuron growth. I'm a bit skeptical on that one (although maybe someone reading this knows more about it). The next was talking about the general benefits. But what caught my eye is someone was proposing rather than coming up with drugs to mimic the effects of exercise to instead come up with drugs or some other medical method to make people more prone to exercise.

The NYT has an article about a website that helps track when companies and other organizations change wikipedia articles. According to the article, wikipedia is actually ok with companies correcting factual information, but think it should be limited to that due to the conflict of interest. Wikiscanner lets you look up a company and see which wikipedia articles they have edited (it works based on the ip address - so if the company is even a little clever they can get around it). The NYT article has a nice list of some of the companies that have been caught.

This week I started watching Heroes. I also had a crazy week at work. Friday I came home expecting to crash, but ended up watching the last 12 episodes (finally got to bed at 6 am). Which is really strange since lately I struggle to stay up past midnight. I really liked the show. Well, for the first several episodes I was skeptical that it was going to turn out to be lame, but by time they saved the cheerleader I was into it. Something about Mohinder grates on my nerves, not even counting his many wrong science facts. Hiro is of course awesome! I wonder at what point in making the show they knew Sulu would be part of the cast. I think it would be great to get together a group of comic book and sci fi fans and try to spot all the references.

1 comment:

The Owl Archimedes said...

I'm so happy to hear that you've discovered the magic of Heroes!! Indeed, one of its magical properties is its ability to keep the viewer awake for extended periods of time, during normal sleep hours.

I don't know much about the exercise-neuron growth correlation, only that until fairly recently neurogenesis in adults was thought to be impossible. Interesting, though that they were wondering about ways to make people exercise, rather than ways to induce exercise-related reactions in the brain