Sunday, February 11, 2007

Religon and Politics

Yes, yes, I know Barack is not Jesus, but expect me to be singing his praises for a while here (Barack, not Jesus). Speaking of Jesus, Barack does have some interesting comments on religion's place in politics (wasn't that a slick transition? I usually don't even bother with transitions on this page). Normally, I have a much harsher view of the place of religion in politics and public policy, but Barack does propose some interesting ideas for uniting the country rather than having two sides think that the other is insane or going straight to hell. (If the video isn't loading you can find it here.)

I was reading through Barack's thoughts on the issues and was very impressed (as you might have caught by now), but I figured that anyone can sound good on their own webpage (well, maybe not everyone - I doubt that if I read Bush's site I would be impressed) so I should read Hillary's page and compare. You might notice that no where on her page does she list her stance on the issues - seems like a mildly important thing for a candidate... I'll stop complaining about Hillary now since if she wins the primary I'll end up supporting her, but Barack definitely wins that round.

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