Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Parents and Brother

Last week my parents headed out to San Clemente and Eric headed down for the weekend so for a few days the whole immediate family was together. The travel plans were actually much more complex than that but I'll skip over the details.

It was really good seeing Mom, Dad and Eric. I really appreciate my parent's help getting my place setup. Tomorrow (Thursday) I get the couch and coffee table and I think the apartment will start feeling more like a real place (standing during every meal at the apartment has gotten a bit tiresome - although Cameron's free dinners and oatmeal packets have made that a somewhat rare event).

Over the week:

Ate at several fish restaurants in Dana Harbor - good stuff and nice views and really good calamari (apparently apple spell isn't a seafood fan...).

Spent time at the apartment's hot tub and pool and made use of the grills - always good times.

Got down to San Clemente's beach - also always a good time. Also walked through an outdoor art festival on the way down to the beach - good except the reminder of how expensive art is. On the beach after seeing how far out into the ocean we could get while fighting the waves (which were pretty good size that day) (for me at least the limiting factor was the amount of ocean water I could tolerate invading my body - the human body might be mostly salt water but add a bit extra and it gets all unhappy) and body surfing them back we decided to try boogie boarding. I might give boogie boarding another try at some point, but I think body surfing is the way to go (well, still need to try surfing to see how that goes).

Also found some interesting restaurants in San Clemente and surrounding area. At one point during the week someone was helpful enough to tell me that there's a really good taco place in San Clemente (for those that haven't been to San Clemente it's about 70 miles from the border, I'll leave it to you to guess how many taco places there are).

Did some shopping.

Went golfing - it has been a long time but was fun to get out and try it again. I think that I'm at this interesting skill level where I can not play for a few years and still be about as good as I was the last time I played. I definitely need to add some exercises that resemble swing my back and arms around really fast to the workout routine (well, that or when I play golf not try to make up for a lack of skill by swinging really hard).

Went to dinner at my parents' friend's house. Very nice people and very nice stone deck looking out at the ocean in Laguna.

I'm probably leaving something out but at least got across the idea that it was a full and fun week.


Jess said...

I think it was a raccoon dog. But more and more, I*m thinking it was a weasel or ferret of some sort. But the whole ambiguity of the situation leads me to wonder if I saw the mythological creature...?

Happy belated 4th! Yeah, you really gotta try surfing. But between boogie boarding and body surfing, body surfing is the way to go. Equipment can be such a pain in the neck.

Let:s meet up again when I get back!

Anonymous said...

Heh, I now truly understand that empty apartment feeling :-) Sharon did a good job of setting us up with living room/kitchen stuff, but right now the only place to sit in my room is on the floor (or on top of one of several as yet unpacked suitcases!)

I don't suppose you want to come unpack for me? ;-)