Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Ken Lay and Defibrillators

Most of you have probably heard that Ken Lay died of a "massive heart attack" (well maybe not the reader(s) in Israel who either finished their thesis 3 days ago or are 3 days late, but other than them...).

This slate article, which Eric pointed out to me, discusses what it means when a heart attack is reported. As the article explains it might be a heart attack or it might be cardiac arrest. If it was really a heart attack then I have nothing more to say about it. However, if it was cardiac arrest, an implantable defibrillator might have saved him. Hmmmm - Cheney has one, and it is possible that one would have saved Lay's life, I need to come up with some better examples if I'm going to feel good about my job...

1 comment:

Eric said...

Haha-- you need to start saving the whales (and possibly those funny looking raccoons Jess discovered) just to break even!