Monday, February 13, 2006


Finally a post about me rather than just my random rants or attempts at political commentary.

I've been fairly busy lately with the work/class combo. Class is going fairly well. In org behavior I'm yet to get any grades but soon enough I should get an idea of how I'm doing in there. I'm actually kind of concerned about taking a test that does not involve math - it's been a while. Accounting is still going fine - we actually covered one topic which required a bit of thought (figuring out from all of the other info how much cash the company actually received or used). In accouting class I've started alternating between zoning out and trying to do all the math before those people who think you should bring a calculator to an accounting class. Most people in class are starting to show signs of fatigue from the class/work combo. I think I fit in the crowd, but I'd like to claim that's largely because of my nocturnal tendency - especially living alone I tend to lose track of what time it is.

At work I'm getting a bit frustrated with the pace and the proportion of tedious work to interesting work. I won't go into much more detail here since you really never know who's reading a blog. But if anyone wants to partner up and start a company this would be the moment (best if you have a business idea...).

Other than that I've gotten to the beach and hot tub a bit and have spent some time hanging out with Eric.

Well I should get back to homework or go to bed (or find some other way to procrastinate).

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