Saturday, November 19, 2005

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

Right now I am listening to Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance and I'm just a bit more than half way through but unless something really interesting happens my verdict is b-ah-or-ah-ing. As I drive along and listen when I'm paying more attention to driving it sounds kind of interesting and then I pay more attention and realize he's just jabbering on and while it kind of sounds deep it really doesn't make any sense. At first I was actually liking it because he was somewhat pro-technology, but then he started making comments on technology and science that were just silly. And his statement that quality is kind of the all encompassing force in the universe (well not quite how he states it, but close enough) seems awfully arbitrary to me. Well hopefully I haven't offended any fans of the book but that's my opinion.

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