Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Two weekends ago Max came out to sunny CA, except, unfortunately, it was not so sunny. So that changed around the usual tourist activities. In addition, that Monday someone I am working with and myself decided to go crazy on the project I am working on and implement a circuit involving two feedback loops instead of dropping down a few delay cells so I was not able to get away as much as I had hoped - sorry about that Max.

If you want to read about Max's take on the trip and/or see some pictures you can check out his blog. Friday I got away for a bit and we walked around Santa Barbara. Saturday we enjoyed a slow day hanging out around Carpinteria.

Sunday we went to Disneyland with Eric and his roommate. Eric's roommate works for Disney so we got to go for free! The park was far from empty, but it definitely wasn't the on season so we got to hit quite a few rides and see the big water/fire/anything else they could merge into the show, show. Eric's roommate not only got us in for free, but provide a bit of a tour with info about when rides had changed and some anecdotes.

Monday just got to share the ride to the airport with Max.

It was good to see you Max - good luck back in Israel!

Thank you for the gifts from the Getty your supah sekrit European sources - they came out cool looking. Whenever I am near or by buy a digital camera I will take some pictures.

Now back to moving little boxes...


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The little metal thingamajigs aren't from the Getty, actually, they're from my supah sekrit European sources. But more importantly: what are the semantic and philosophical differences between being "near" as opposed to "by" a digital camera? Discuss.

Thanks again to both of you for the hospitality during a busy week. You're always welcome in Haifa, although I don't have a "very comfortable" futon for you to sleep on.

David said...

Oh - not sure why I assumed they were from the Getty.

I guess one man's typo is another man's philosophical question.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, only after I posted did it finally occur to me, "oh, he probably just missed a 'u.' That's not as exciting."