Sunday, March 06, 2005

Just for Fun - The Story of an Accidental Revolutionary

Two posts in a row - someone is doing some serious procrastinating.

I just finished reading Just for Fun - The Story of an Accidental Revolutionary. I got it for free by going to the Linux World Expo several weeks ago. It's a(n) (autobiography of Linus Torvalds. I figured I would just flip through it, but I ended up reading the whole thing over the course of about 24 hours. Either I found it rather entertaining or it was just the only thing I brought with me to work to read while running long simulations.

If you happen to have a copy I would say it's worth reading, although if you have been an avid slashdot reader for years there's probably nothing new. I thought it was interesting that it really was some kid (well, kid in his 6th year of college) just working away in his room. Although I did feel like he spent a bit too long describing what it is like to be a nerd, but perhaps that is for the popular audience who haven't killed a number of weekends coding away themselves.

While he is in no way qualified to philosophize and says so himself his theory that technology has three stages: survival, social communication, and then entertainment is fairly interesting.

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