Saturday, September 30, 2006


What about Asia (other than being a great audio clue on celebrity jeopardy)?

I'm going.

Oh, that's cool. When are you going?

Don't know, but before September 2008 and hopefully well before then.

Where in Asia (I've heard it's a big place)?

Don't know. It would be cool to see some of the nice nature stuff, but really want to see areas that are very different and probably more urban (seems silly to go there for the first time to hang out on a really nice beach - which is what I should be doing now if I hadn't made the mistake of starting laundry).

How long are you going to spend there?

Not sure, although probably something like 2 to 3 weeks. I figure it's silly to fly all the way over for much less, and much more would probably be tough to pull off at work.

What have you done to plan for the trip?

Absolutely nothing.

Who are you going with?

No idea - I'm looking for people to go with. If you are reading this and are interested in going let me know (well except maybe the google bot crawling the page - I'm not sure about traveling with a piece of software and it might have some trouble if we go to China).

So, um, what the hell are you talking about?

I want to go to Asia and thought I'd see what others have to say. This seemed like a good forum for doing that, and a good way of seeing if anyone else is interested. If you are reading this don't think I'm not talking to you, there are only so many people that read this, so imagine you got an email from me with about 10 people in the TO line. I think it is important to put down a time limit so it doesn't slip forever and September 2008 seems very achievable. I would put the date sooner, but I need to build up vacation time, and I don't know which season is best (see the question about research).

Why on Earth would you announce to the world (or at least the hand full of people that read this) that you are going if you have done nothing to prepare for it?

That much more motivation to actually pull it off (not quite sure what that says about me that I care so much about what others think that it is a significant motivator).

Anyway, if you have any thoughts, suggestions, or especially if you have a desire to go, let me know.


Anonymous said...

Surprisingly enough, I was contemplating a trip to that general area as well, seeing how I've yet to visit that part of the world. Keep me informed of your plans - maybe we'll figure something out that will suit both of us.

Jess said...

I'll go!! I'll go!! We could stay at my relatives' places in Japan and/or Korea. I've always wanted to go to Thailand, too.'d just have to coincide precisely with the meager vacation I'm allowed from school.