Sunday, December 04, 2005

Growing Pointy Hair

Well before a few months ago if someone asked me when I thought I'd start growing pointy hair I would have told them I was not sure if I ever would. I guess I should say getting ready to grow it. I'm still moving colored boxes for a living, but I'm going to start going to MBA classes on January 3rd through Pepperdine's fully employed MBA program.

I went to the orientation yesterday which was held on their Malibu campus (I'll be attending on a different location in what is basically an office building, but it is very close to Teradyne). Wow - if you ever stop by don't be distracted by the incredible view of the ocean from the main campus because you are only about half way up the mountain, keep going to the graduate campus which is almost on top of the mountain! Once you have looked out on the endless ocean for long enough your eyes might drift over a bit and notice the graduate housing you are next to which, yes, has an ocean view from the side of a mountain.

One interesting fact about Pepperdine I learned at orientation is that the founder, George Pepperdine, is actually from Kansas City and after making his fortune (selling auto parts I think) moved out to Southern California.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I hope you're ready to take on the challenge after all these years of being careless and carefree... that pointy hair can be dangerous.